This is based on my work for Cardle.

All of these will be 5-card hands. Some are more “house rule” variants used in Cardle.


possible_ranks = []
straight_hands = []

# Generate lists of straight ranks, without suits.
for start_rank in 1..11:
    hand_ranks = []

    for rank in start_rank..(start_rank + 5):

# Generate all possible suit combinations.
for hand_ranks in possible_ranks:
    possible_cards_for_pos = []

    for rank in hand_ranks:
        cards_for_pos = []

        for suit in SUITS:
            cards_for_pos.append((suit, rank))

        possible_cards_for_pos = cards_for_pos

    # Obviously you wouldn't want to nest like this. This
    # is purely for readability purposes.
    for card1 in possible_cards_for_pos[0]:
        for card2 in possible_cards_for_pos[1]:
            for card3 in possible_cards_for_pos[2]:
                for card4 in possible_cards_for_pos[3]:
                    for card5 in possible_cards_for_pos[4]:
                        straight_hands.append([card1, card2, card3, card4, card5])